Monday, December 26, 2011

100 Day Picture Challenge - Day01

30/100 Day Challenge is everywhere! Was too curious about it so I googled it :)) I was wondering if I can make it so I chose one from 30daychallengearchive! Here's for the first day.

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

Facts ♥
1. God-fearing Roman Catholic 
2. Single! Certified NO BOYFRIEND SINCE BIRTH :)
3. 16 y/o.
4. Only girl among my siblings.
5. First grandchild/niece in my grandfather's side.
6. Lolo's girl.
7. Moody.
8. Full of insecurities.
9. Twitter addict. 
10. Friendly at times.
11. Always jealous when it comes to friends!
12. Negative person (in the process of changing na ko! HAHA)
13. Petite :)
14. Always shy.
15. Loves my family and friends to bits and pieces ♥

Xs & Os,
B ♥ 

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