Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Memory Lane

2011 gave me a lot  of happy memories and opportunities to bloom as a  person. There are too many things I wanna share but that will be too loooooooooooong so i'll just sum it up through pictures and tiny bits of info. This part is from January to April :)

** January - Erl's birthday celebration
Everyone cried buckets :') **

** February - We took the liberty of taking tons of pictures every chance we get**
** February - First time to spend Valentine's Day with friends @ Star City **
** February - I was the presentor/representative of our thesis in the Research Exposition. 
First time to talk in front of a crowd! **

** March - Senior's Night **
** March - CAT graduation **
** March - KUPADS was founded in KFC **

** April - Graduation **
** April - Class' Outing **

My summer was not filled with adventures. I was always at home and most of the time, just sleeping ;) Time was so fast during those days, as if we were being pushed so hard to go to college as soon as possible. Up until August, there's no exciting events that happened.

Xs & Os,
B ♥

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